Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Austin Triathlon race report

Here it is in all its glory. Packet pickup was on Sunday and I also had to rack my bike. In bigger triathlons you normally bring your bike the night before. It would be a nightmare to have 2000 people trying to get their bikes in on the morning of the race. It's nice not having to worry about it the morning of the race. My friend Mohra offered to keep the kids overnight which was a god send. I never sleep well the night before a race and this was no different. I woke up before the alarm and started getting antsy so I woke up Aaron and told him I wanted to leave earlier than we had planned. I'm just a ball of nerves the morning of races. We got to transition around 6:10am and it closed at 6:40 so we cut it a little close. Once the transition closed I went back to the body marking folks and used one of their markers to write "FOR YOU MOM" down my leg so that I could see it and remember my ultimate goal. Training and racing is fun but I think deep down you need to have a reason WHY you do it. I love this biblical verse..
“…knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and
character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has
been poured into our hearts…” Romans 5:3-5

So back to the race. Aaron and I went to check out the swim course. It was a little different from when we did the race two years ago. We listened to Shawn Colvin sing the National Athem. It was beautiful and always makes me cry. My wave didn't start until 7:55 so I had a while to let the butterflies swirl around in my stomach. I bumped into a friend of mine, Brittany and we talked until my wave went off. It was time to jump in the water. I told my fellow racers good luck as I think that always brings me good karma. Going out was pretty smooth as I was able to latch on to some feet and draft. As we got to the turn around the girl I was following went the wrong way. I was on my own for the way back. The sun was coming up and it was a little difficult finding the buoys to sight off of. I got off course towards the end which probably cost me some time. I got back to my bike and took off. As I started I looked down and figured out I didn't put my bike computer. Frustrating. It was a three loop course so I tried to take it easy on the first loop focusing on my nutrition and getting some calories in. Second and third loops were good and I passed lots of people and was only passed by a few. I looked down at my watch and saw that I wasn't on target for my goal time but didn't get discouraged. I racked my bike and I was off for a run. Starting out I could tell this wasn't going to be a very pleasant experience. The sun was out and I heated up pretty quickly. I ran as much as I could but walked lots. I felt like I was getting dehydrated and began to get the chills. My self talk was going a little down hill as I kept comparing the last time I did this race and had to stop because really was not the same. I had trained differently, the weather was different and the course had changed. I kept going and there I was coming to Auditorium Shores with people lining the street cheering. I was done. The volunteer grabbed my timing strap and then gave it back to me and said it wasn't one of theirs so he handed it back to me. I was a little confused as I looked at it and soon realized I had the wrong strap on the entire race and in fact it didn't even have a chip on it. I was crushed. I was fine that I didn't make my time goal but no splits, no time, nothing. I had stopped my watch at the finish line so I was able to give Run Far my time and they entered it into the computer. Live and learn right? I met up with Aaron and got some food to snack on. I was dirty and smelly and ready to get home and shower and get the kids. I got over the timing issue and was happy for a successful finish.

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint"

(Isaiah 40:31).

1 comment:

Ross said...

Robin and I are proud of you. Despite the speed bumps and frustrations, you prevailed. Great job. You inspire us all.